Friday, November 20, 2015

My Name is not "Suzanne"

From IAB Associate

Dear IAB Associates,

I have been in a female basketball team for about four years and the other team which is made up of males that have been winning in their games have been in the same hotel with us because both teams are owned by the same organization but the females are separated from the males

We have a culture of staying together in the same hotel whenever we go for any competition since we have the same team of coaches.

We had finished a successful game and we were in the mood to celebrate and our coaches cautioned us against s*x and alcohol since the competition was still on and we would have to train the next morning.  The girls and the boys started playing and exchanging jokes while they drank alcohol they had smuggled in. This continued until about midnight when we started retiring to our rooms. Our coaches did not notice that we were retiring as couples ie a female and a male together.

In this particular room which was assigned to two boys, they retired with only me as the lady and I was drunk.  They had me all through the night. I heard them calling me "Suzanne" while they had me. They had me in both places and it was very painful but I was too weak to fight back. I tried to tell them that I was not Suzanne. They were pounding me like I was some piece of metal. I did not know what else happened until I found myself lying on a bed in some hospital with my mother crying beside my bed.  I felt severe pain around my pelvic area and I later discovered I could not put my legs together. The doctors had carried out some corrective surgeries on my private part.  They said when they rushed in to the room, they saw me bleeding from the an*s and virg*na and my legs would not close together. The boys were so scared stiff and were trying to escape but were prevented by our other teammates. That was when my parents were called in.

On interrogation, the boys described the process that led to the present situation.  They had done it to me from both sides and they said i was encouraging them until they could no longer feel my pulse.   They also explained that they were used to having one woman named “Suzanne” together and she was always strong enough to have the both of them for twelve hours or more without any crisis.

Our teams could not continue in the competition because news went round that we had been involved in such scandal.

The authorities have moved in to ascertain the facts of the matter and our teams maybe banned forever and our names may be published too.  What do I say to my parents?  Why would I be involved in such scandal? How do I wriggle out of this?