Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Extreme Weight Loss star dies of diabetic shock

A much beloved contestant on the popular reality show Extreme Weight Loss died at the weekend.
Rod Durham, 52, was found by housekeepers at his hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida where the high school English teacher had been spending his spring break. 

The cause of Durham's death, who was openly gay is believed to be diabetic shock. 
 Durham weighed 459 lbs when he began competing on the show, losing the weight through a year of diet and excercise. He became an inspiration for millions back in 2014 when he lost an impressive 180 pounds thanks to diet and exercise while competing on the Extreme Weight Loss show. 

Transformation: The high school English teacher lost 180 lbs. in 2014 while a contestant on the popular reality show Extreme Weight Loss (above with hoists Chris and Heidi Powell after his weight loss) 
Durham with hoists Chris and Heidi Powell after his weight loss
Speaking in an interview with the Leon High School Newspaper; The Leon High Life, the Leon High School Principal Billy Epting said 'He was the perfect example of a teacher where you can’t describe their impact on students by test scores,
'He had a personality and a character that was more than teaching drama or English in the classroom. Students could have a personal and professional relationship with him about life and being a good person.' 
Teacher and close friend Rocky Hanna added: 'There are a lot of broken hearts in our community today. People like Rod Durham come around once in a lifetime.
'His smile, his heart, his demeanor… Even if you were having a bad day, being around Durham would make it better. His laugh was infectious. He was literally larger than life.'